Well-known Business Law Magazine “China Business Law Journal” Introduces Beijing DHH Law Firm and ECLA

Release time:2013-11-05 10:00

Well-known Business Law Magazine “China Business Law Journal” Introduces Beijing DHH Law Firm and ECLA

The well-known business law magazine “China Business Law Journal” recently featured the development of Beijing DHH Law Firm and Elite Chinese Legal Alliance (ECLA) in a special edition of the 7/8 issue of their Chinese Business Law Directory 2013.

As a cutting edge monthly magazine, focusing on Chinese business law and international economics and trade, China Business Law Journal concentrates on the changes, application and practice of law. Their aim is to identify the most efficient legal strategies for the management of complicated transactions and provide Sino-foreign lawyers and firms with analyses of representative and guiding cases.

This special edition collated the top Chinese law firms in the area of business legal services and presented the development status of the country’s business law firms. Election into this special edition of the Chinese Business Law Directory acknowledged the rapid development of Beiing DHH Law Firm and ECLA.

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