NYSE Listed Company Instructs DHH to Provide Legal Services on a M&A Project

Release time:2021-11-10 15:28
NYSE listed company Wizzard Software Corp in November 2012 released its Quarterly Bulletin. It's cross-border merger with Hong Kong company Digital Entertainment International Ltd and its Mainland subsidiaries has entered a consolidation phase after a stable agreement. Beijing DHH Law Firm is providing Chinese Mainland legal services for this project, representing Hong Kong company Digital Entertainment International Ltd and its Mainland subsidiaries.      
Wizzard Software Corp. has been listed on the NYSE for 10 years. It has achieved outstandingly in its primary business in media podcast technical operations (video-sharing), developing speech recognition software, and internet and mobile terminal podcast equipment technical operations. Hong Kong company Digital Entertainment International Ltd and its Mainland subsidiaries are primarily involved in the digital culture industry. Their products and services include audio and video products sales, entertainment experience shop operators, digital multimedia terminal operations and sales, original content production and integration, entertainment portal construction, performing arts promotion, digital culture industry innovation base and digital culture industry park construction.
DHH's Beijing Senior Partner Fang Litang, practicing lawyer Zhang Yiqian, and other lawyers from the securities team, provided Chinese legal services throughout the whole process for the project. This included conducting due diligence, corporate restructuring, business negotiations with the US company, drafting and revising documents in English and Chinese.

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